Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boone (again)

     So I just got back from Boone, NC tonight. The last two days there were amazing, good temps, sunny skies, lots of laughs, and climbing. Friday the three of us headed back to Lost Cove so that Nate could try Black 45. No dice, maybe next time. Afterwards, we headed to Sasafrass to try Twice Upon A Time (v10). The line climbs a beautiful roof for about 25 feet and finishes with a dyno. I was amazed at the beauty and purity of the line and was incredibly happy with my quick ascent. Then it was on to Area E where we all climbed an amazing arête called The Flame (v7). I also managed The Tosser (v9) and a flash of Temporal Analogs of Paradise (v9).

Jon on Temporal Analogs of Paradise

     The next day we headed out to The Dump with the intent of doing The Breakup (v9) and Bedophile sit (v10). After the beta spray-down I was able to flash the route-like Breakup. I struggled with a back heel-hook on Bedophile, eventually turned it to a toe and was able to send fairly quickly. For me, this was the end, time to pack up and get out.
     The trip was a success, I managed to do nearly every problem on my list and many of the best problems in the North Carolina high country. Admittedly, there were no massive numbers but the goal is never numbers, always quality. Until next time...
